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Mission & Outreach Opportunities
Mission Team:
-1 hour meeting after worship on the 2nd Sunday of each month
-Church members are appointed to a 3-year term
Organizations We Financially Support:
-Appalachian Promise Alliance
-Bristol Faith in Action
-Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV)
-Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global (CBF)
-Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia (CBFVA)
-Family Promise of Bristol
-First Baptist Church Youth Mission Trip
-Fellowship of Christian Athletes
-Haven of Rest Rescue Mission
-Healing Hands Health Center
-Holston Habitat for Humanity
-Hope Tree Family Services
-Lebanon Baptist Association
-Meals on Wheels
-Missionaries to Brazil (Tim & Tammy Evans)
-Missionary to Danville, VA/CBF Field Personnel (Jessica Hearne)
-Missionaries to Ukraine/CBF Field Personnel (Gennady & Mina Podgaisky)
-River's Way
-Salvation Army of Bristol
Local & Regional Mission Partnerships - Opportunities to Serve:
-Bristol Emergency Food Pantry (1st Wednesday of each month)
-Meals on Wheels (4th Thursday of each month)
-United Coal Company Food Distribution (2nd Monday of each month)
-Family Promise of Bristol Day Center Lunch (Wednesdays)
-Brookdale Senior Living Facility Book/Bible Study (Thursdays)
-Sharing Christ Worship Center (once a quarter)
-Ballad Health Hospice House Meal (1st 2 weeks in August)
-Habitat for Humanity (1 week during summer months)
Local Outreach - Opportunities to Support:
-Blessings Box - providing food and water to the unhoused population
-Winter Apparel Ministry - providing gloves, scarves, hats, and socks during cold winter months
-School Supplies Collection - collecting and distributing school supplies to local public schools
-King University "Coats for Kids" - accepting donations of new or gently used coats for children
Mission Offerings:
-Quarterly Benevolence Offerings
-Offering for Global Missions (CBF Offering)
-Alma Hunt Offering for Virginia Missions (BGAV Offering)
-Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (SBC Offering)
-Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (SBC Offering)
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